Description: * ULTIMATE TRAPPING HUNTING TAXIDERMY COLLECTION * 234 VINTAGE BOOKS on DVD * This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. ~ Titles Include ~ A century of English fox-hunting (1900).pdfABC of fox hunting consisting of 26 coloured illustrations (1870).pdfAdvice on fox-hunting (1906).pdfAmerican big game in its haunts_ the book of the Boone and Crockett club (1904).pdfAmerican big-game hunting (1901).pdfAmerican duck shooting (1901).pdfAmerican game bird shooting (1882).pdfAmerican game-bird shooting (1910).pdfAmerican pheasant breeding and shooting (1916).pdfAmerican wild-fowl shooting (1879).pdfAn introduction to fox-hunting (1911).pdfBear-hunting in the White mountains (1891).pdfBig game hunting for boys, North America and Asia (1907).pdfBig game shooting (1895) vol 1.pdfBig game shooting (1895) vol 2.pdfBig game shooting in Alaska (1904).pdfBig Game Shooting in Upper Burma (1911).pdfBig game shooting on the equator (1908).pdfBird hunting on the White Nile_ a naturalist's experiences in the Soudan (1902).pdfBird-hunting through wild Europe (1908).pdfBook of Hunting Songs and Sport (1885).pdfBuffalo land (1872).pdfCamp fire reminiscences (1912).pdfCanadian wilds (1907).pdfChamois hunting in the mountains of Bavaria (1853).pdfChamois hunting in the mountains of Bavaria and in the Tyrol (1860).pdfCrocodile shooting (1800).pdfCruisings in the Cascades (1889).pdfDays of deer-stalking in the Scottish Highlands (1883).pdfDeer-stalking (1886).pdfdirectory.txtDuck shooting and hunting sketches (1915).pdfDucking Days (1918).pdfElephant & Seladang Hunting in the Federated Malay States (1905).pdfExploration and hunting in central Africa (1898).pdfField, cover, and trap shooting (1874).pdfFifty years' fox-hunting with the Grafton and other packs of hounds (1900).pdfFishing and hunting on Russian waters (1883).pdfFishing and shooting sketches (1907).pdfFox hunting (1899).pdfFox hunting in America (1912).pdfFox-hunting past & present (1908).pdfFox-hunting recollections (1908).pdfFoxes, foxhounds and fox-hunting (1922).pdfFrank Merriwell's hunting tour (1903).pdfFrank Schley's American partridge and pheasant shooting (1877).pdfGood hunting_ in pursuit of big game in the West (1907).pdfGuns, ammunition, and tackle (1904).pdfHare-hunting and harriers with notices of beagles and basset hounds (1903).pdfHog hunting in the east, and other sports (1867).pdfHow to Hunt and Trap containing full instructions for hunting the buffalo (1878).pdfHow to train dogs and cats_ hints on shooting and hunting game (1904).pdfHunters and hunting in the arctic (1911).pdfHunting & fishing in the South (1904).pdfHunting & shooting in Ceylon (1907).pdfHunting (1885).pdfHunting (1900).pdfHunting and fishing in Florida (1896).pdfHunting and hunted in the Belgian Congo (1914).pdfHunting and practical hints for hunting men (1897).pdfHunting at high altitudes_ the book of the Boone and Crockett club (1913).pdfHunting big game with gun and with kodak (1906).pdfHunting camps in wood and wilderness (1910).pdfHunting in British East Africa (1909).pdfHunting in many countries (1922).pdfHunting in many lands (1895).pdfHunting in the Arctic and Alaska (1914).pdfHunting in the golden days (1896).pdfHunting in the great West (1883).pdfHunting in the jungle with gun and guide after large game_ adapted from Les animaux sauvages (1888).pdfHunting in the land of Hiawatha (1904).pdfHunting in the Upper Yukon (1913).pdfHunting in the Yellowstone (1917).pdfHunting recollections (1911) vol 1.pdfHunting recollections (1911) vol 2.pdfHunting reflections (1900).pdfHunting regions and how to reach them, introducing representative guides (1895).pdfHunting reminiscences (1898).pdfHunting sketches (1865).pdfHunting songs (1876).pdfHunting Sports in the West Comprising Adventures of the Most Celebrated (1859).pdfHunting the elephant in Africa (1913).pdfHunting the fox (1921).pdfHunting the fur seal (1899).pdfHunting the German shark_ the American navy in the underseas war (1918).pdfHunting the grisly, and other sketches_ (1904).pdfHunting trips in Northern Rhodesia (1910).pdfHunting Trips in the Caucasus (1898).pdfHunting trips of a ranchman (1902).pdfHunting with the Eskimos (1910).pdfHunting without a gun (1905).pdfHunting, shooting and fishing a sporting miscellany (1877).pdfIdeal hunting and fishing grounds, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana (1900).pdfIn Africa_ hunting adventures in the big game country (1910).pdfIndia and tiger-hunting (1885).pdfIndian small-game shooting for novices (1912).pdfInter-ocean hunting tales (1908).pdfJack, the young trapper (1907).pdfLetters to young sportsmen on hunting, angling and shooting (1920).pdfLife in the back-woods a guide to the successful hunting and trapping of all kind_20121218144600128.pdfLion hunting and sporting life in Algeria (1856).pdfLynx-hunting (1845).pdfModern whaling & bear-hunting (1917).pdfMoose-hunting, salmon-fishing and other sketches of sport (1902).pdfNotes for hunting men (1901).pdfObservations on fox-hunting (1922).pdfObservations on fox-hunting and the management of hounds in the kennel and the field (1826).pdfOn safari (1908).pdfOn the Grampian hills (1882).pdfOtters and otter-hunting (1908).pdfOur big game_ a book for sportsmen and nature lovers (1904).pdfPheasants and covert shooting (1913).pdfPractical hints for hunting novices (1906).pdfPractical lessons on hunting and sporting (1865).pdfRecent hunting trips in British North America (1907).pdfRecords of stag-hunting on Exmoor (1887).pdfRiding and hunting (1910).pdfRough Shooting (1889).pdfSaddle and camp in the Rockies (1911).pdfSchreiner's Sporting Manual (1841).pdfScientific duck shooting in eastern waters (1895).pdfShooting On Upland Marsh And Stream (1890).pdfShort stalks_ or, Hunting camps, north, south, east, and west (1892).pdfSport and War_ Or, Recollections of Fighting and Hunting in South Africa(1875).pdfSport Fox-hunting, Salmon-fishing, Covert-shooting, Deer-stalking (1886).pdfSporting adventures in the new world vol 1.pdfSporting adventures in the new world vol 2.pdfSporting firearms (1912).pdfStaghunting with the Devon and Somerset 1887-1901 (1902).pdfStories of some shoots (1912).pdfTales of duck and goose shooting (1922).pdfThe A B C of drag hunting (1917).pdfThe American hunting dog (1919).pdfThe art of deer-stalking_ (1839).pdfThe book of duck decoys, their construction, management, and history (1886).pdfThe boy chums in the forest, or Hunting for plume birds in the Florida Everglades (1910).pdfThe complete manual for young sportsmen (1856).pdfThe deer family (1902).pdfThe Field Sports of France (1846).pdfThe home of the wolverene and beaver (1876).pdfThe hunter's handbook (1885).pdfThe Hunting Directory (1826).pdfThe hunting grounds of the great West (1877).pdfThe hunting grounds of the old world (1860).pdfThe hunting year (1912).pdfThe hunting-field (1859).pdfThe lion hunter in the days when all South Africa was virgin hunting field (1922).pdfThe master of game the oldest English book on hunting (1909).pdfThe sporting rifle_ the shooting of big and little game (1908).pdfThe sportsman's guide to the northern lakes with hints on fishing, hunting, and trapping (1885).pdfThe still-hunter (1911).pdfThe wild turkey and its hunting (1914).pdfThe Wilderness Hunter (1893).pdfThomas' hunting diary, 1900-1901 (1900).pdfThomas' hunting diary, 1905-1906 (1905).pdfThoughts upon hunting (1781).pdfThrilling adventures of the whaler Alcyone (1916).pdfTiger-shooting in the Doon and Ulwar with life in India (1887).pdfTrajectories of American hunting rifles. A series of tests (1885).pdfTurbervile's Booke of hunting, 1576 (1908).pdfW. N. McMillan's expeditions and big game hunting in Sudan, Abyssinia, & British East Africa (1906).pdfWhale hunting with gun and camera (1916).pdfWild Fowl Shooting (1888).pdfWild scenes of a hunter's life (1875).pdfWild-fowl (1905).pdfWing and trap shooting (1911).pdfWith flashlight and rifle (1906) vol 1.pdfWith flashlight and rifle (1906) vol 2.pdfWith hound and terrier in the field hunting reminiscences (1904).pdfWolf-hunting and wild sport in lower Brittany (1875).pdfWoodcock shooting (1908).pdf black beaver the trapper 1911.pdfbuilders of the nation, the trapper part 1 1902.pdfbuilders of the nation, the trapper part 2 1902.pdfcamp life in woods and the tricks of trapping and trap making 1881.pdfcanadian wilds 1907.pdfdeadfalls and snares 1907.pdfdirectory.txtfifty years a hunter and trapper 1913.pdfFox trapping (1906).pdffur facts 1922.pdfHow to build a water snare (1922).pdfhow to trap and snare 1909.pdfHunting and trapping stories_ a book for boys (1903).pdfI. Abraham trapper's guide (1913).pdfLife in the back-woods a guide to the successful hunting and trapping of all kind_20121218144600221.pdfmink trapping 1906.pdfmy sixty years on the plains, trapping, trading and indian fighting 1901.pdfscience of trapping 1909.pdfsteel traps 1907.pdfThe accomplished muskrat trapper (1922).pdfThe amateur trapper a complete guide to the arts of trapping, snaring and netting (1917).pdfThe art of trapping (1917).pdfThe complete hunter's and sportman's manual and trapper's guide (1903).pdfthe hunter and trapper 1869.pdfThe Newhouse trapper's guide (1914).pdfThe sportsman's guide to the northern lakes with hints on fishing, hunting, and trapping (1885).pdfthe story of the trapper 1902.pdfThe trapper's companion (1919).pdfthe trappers guide , a manual of instruction 1869.pdftony alexanders practicle Hunters and trappers guide 1887.pdfTrapping (1921).pdfTrapping as a profession_ trapping grounds of North America (1922).pdfTwenty years on the trap line (1891).pdfWeasels, trapping, raising and preparing skins for market (1910).pdfWolf and coyote trapping (1909).pdfBarbers' manual Text book on taxidermy (1898).pdfBird-preserving, bird-mounting (1880).pdfBirds' nests & eggs (1900).pdfCoarse fish, with notes on taxidermy, fishing in the lower Thames, etc (1897).pdfDirections for collecting and preserving insects (1892).pdfDirections for collecting, preparing, and preserving birds eggs and nests (1891).pdfdirectory.txtField ornithology (1874).pdfGeneral directions for collecting and preserving exotic insects and crustacea (1826).pdfGuide to taxidermy (1914).pdfHints on preserving and mounting birds (1920).pdfInstructions for collecting and preserving various subjects of natural history (1805).pdfManual of the practical naturalist_ or, Directions for collecting, preparing, and_20121029112324500.pdfMethods in the art of taxidermy (1900).pdfNotes on collecting and preserving natural-history objects (1883).pdfPractical taxidermy, and home decoration together with general information for sportsmen (1890).pdfTaxidermy (1913).pdfTaxidermy and zoological collecting (1894).pdfTaxidermy comprising the skinning, stuffing, and mounting of birds, mammals, and fish (1901).pdfTaxidermy or, The art of collecting, preparing, and mounting objects of natural h_20121029112324500.pdfThe art of taxidermy (1904).pdfThe home naturalist with practical instructions for collecting, arranging, and pr_20121029112324500.pdfThe naturalist's assistant (1882).pdfThe naturalist's guide in collecting and preserving objects of natural history.pdfThe naturalist's manual containing descriptions of the nests and eggs of North A_20121029112324500.pdfThe sportsman's gazetteer and general guide (1877).pdfThe sportsman's handbook to practical collecting, preserving, and artistic setting-up (1880).pdfThe taxidermist's manual, or, The art of collecting, preparing, and preserving ob_20121029112324500.pdfThe taxidermists' manual (1865).pdfThe Treasury of Natural History (1852).pdfThe voyager's companion, or shell collector's pilot (1821).pdf About this item:This item is delivered to you as a data CD or DVD disc(s). These CDs/DVDs are intended for the use in your PC/Macintosh computer. If your computer has a CD/DVD drive, it will be able to open the files on the disc(s). Each and every single page of our rare and historical books are carefully scanned and compiled into digital format for your viewing pleasure. This digital format is known as Adobe PDF and most computers already have the software to view these files by default. PDF files are compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems. You are able to easily read, search, zoom/magify, flip through/jump to any page, and print any part or page(s) within the viewable book. Our CD/DVD disc(s) are brand new and delivered to you in a white CD/DVD sleeve with quality print on the disc(s). If you have any inquiries about this item, please feel free to contact us. You can use the "Ask a question" link located on the bottom of this page. ... 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