ELC HappyLand

Single CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40K

Description: This is Karina w/Kaya: the MODELGirls (we Like models)! Our 700-member Game Club gets few Great items to List here 100% for eBay Game-Charity! WELCOME friends to your Club! We have these few NEW GW individual model sprue parts/custom kis to Ship you FAST: [-Few of these -so GRAB yours FAST!!]CHAOS SPACE MARINES/ALPHA LEGION/WORD BEARERS/EMPEROR'S CHILDREN/NIGHT LORDS/IRON WARRIORS/BLACK LEGION/-ALL HERETIC LEGIONS: New:CHAOS SPACE MARINES Complete MODEL Parts Kit plus: Extra Bits/Parts to add-on!CUSTOM-Selected for Your OWN Individual CSM custom Models!! -NEWEST Sculpts from Games Workshop Makes your own specific Chaos Marines for ANY Chaos Chapter! ULTRA-LOW DISCOUNT Lot - To whoever is LUCKY enough to 'SEE' and Grab it here First!! ;) -Don't forget: we ship you Super-FAST w/Expedited Shipping. [Images Customized and All photos for modeling-customizing-painting reference only. These are each no box unassembled and unpainted model part kits and 1 Citadel Base to make the individual model shown, plus extra add-on Bitz you can also select.] Description: The Space Marines of CHAOS. Once, they were the Emperor’s proud supernally enhanced and disciplined Warriors - now seduced and twisted in mind to serve the forces of Chaos itself. Of the Emperor’s 20 Original First-Founding Chapters of Space Marines: nearly half of those Legions were turned to betray mankind. CHAOS SPACE MARINES have ALL of the formidable gene-enhancements, extra organs, and extreme training of all other Space Marines - plus: additional 'gifts' granted to them by their Chaos Gods. They gain mutations, Horns, Daemonic Invulnerabilities - even Psychic Powers - as well as access to a broad range of deadly, magically-augmented equipment and weaponry - on top of their own state-of-the-art gear! Truly: a deadly and formidable force for any army to face! The Very NEWEST Sculpted Components of GW CHAOS SPACE MARINES Model Parts has everything you need to make your own, custom-detailed Individual 'Chaos Space Marine'. These are expertly crafted New Model parts allowing the most exciting poses, weapons and gear you can imagine. Following is a vast and impressive array of personal weaponry and well-detailed Power Armour components to BUILD your own Chaos Space Marine(s). The numerous combat-pose options are all strong and dynamic - and experienced modelers can readily position, customize and mod these fine GW figures in any number of ways to their personal taste and artistic inspiration. Your formidable warriors have access to the perfect balance of potent Chaos Marine weaponry to choose and equip. There are countless choices of Hand/Melee weapons, ranging from vicious Combat Blades, close range Pistols, to POWER-Weapons, and Chain-swords! Each warrior can equipt equally for shooting attacks or close-in Melee fighting - or can choose longer range HEAVY weaponry or Potent Hand-to-Hand items for Close-In fighting. There is a diverse selection of Chaos Bolt-pistols, and different styles of Warp=enhanced Bolt-guns, as well as various Combat blades, armour pauldrons, and specialty weapons as well. All Troopers will carry a discreet complement of essential Grenades as well, while any specialists you choose to build can equip Plasma-gun, or the devastating Missile-Launcher in lieu of standard Bolter/Melee options. The most steadfast Trooper will often opt for the MELTAGUN to reduce any opponent or Tank to molten-slag! Your Champion/Captain or Close Combat expert will generally arm with a Plasma-Pistol and a Power-Axe/Chain-Axe - and Specialized Troopers will equip an even more deadly Plasma-gun, Power Maul or Power Fist. Everything needed to vanquish any opposition! Get one model for your own Art-project, or get Several to SAVE on Shipping for your own custom Kill-Team or Squad. Most important: you can buy/add-on Individual Bitz to Upgrade any-or-all of your Warriors. Enjoy, and HERE's your List: REMEMBER: Each single model kit is complete with ALL needed parts and Base; and: you CAN Also 'ADD-ON' Extra parts/bits to your Order - to swap-out for your own custom upgrades! Note: All GW Kits are "Interchangeable" - so your Weapons and Gear can be Swapped-Out for your own modified weapon load-outs! ~Select your CHAOS LEADER, HERO or WARRIOR!!! Get One-or-Several single Models or Bitz and SAVE a Ton on Shipping charges!! The Models are arranged in the most Aesthetic and Popular layouts of parts and function! LEGS and TORSO are the Basic design and Weapons, Arms, Gear and Head-options Complete the Model. 'EXTRA' can be purchased also (Low Cost) to Customize and Mod your own Warrior even more! Of course, all Complete Models come with their own 32mm Citadel Model BASE: 1). Classic "CHAOS CHAMPION or Aspiring CHAMPION"! THIS can be your WARLORD, 'Captain' - or Ultimate All-Around Champion! He wields perhaps the most potent-and-reliable Chaos Power-Weapon: a Daemonic-enhanced POWER AXE -and his sidearm is the irrestistible PLASMA-PISTOL! Each weapon has plenty of raw power to vanquish the most powerful gene-enhanced or supernatural adversaries. This model may serve well as your Chaos Warlord, Champion, 'Sergeant' - or even your Sorcerer if desired. His Axe may be Bonded to a Daemonic Entity - or simply Technologically powered, with Warp-imbued potency. Likewise, he usually wears an exceptional suit of Artificer Power Armour - proof against all but the most invasive of attacks! PARTS: Leg: 104, Body: 105, Axe: 109, Pistol: 110, Torso: 116; Arms: 107+108, Backpack: 140+118, Pauldrons: 93+103, Plume Helmet/Head: 90 - plus Citadel Base! 2). "CHAOS CLOSE COMBAT SPECIALIST/CHAMPION" Kit. HERE is the most brutal fighter in your squad - or your Lone HERO model as well - whatever you choose! He is a Melee Specialist - and his figure also comes with a High-Powered PLASMA PISTOL - as well as his Signature Weaponry: CHAINBLADE/[DAEMON-BLADE]/HEAVY CHAINBLADE!! He ALSO gets a POWER MAUL - for Devastating Damage against all foes, Monsters, Creatures - and the vile 'loyalist' marines too! [Some Images shows options for a POWER FIST as well - an 'add-on' from the Bits section if you want some Real HEAVY-HITTING Power!! Add the Power Fist to your Order if you want to include this option!] 3). HEAVY WEAPONS Trooper with a devastating MISSILE LAUNCHER! This able commando comes complete with a holstered BOLT PISTOL - And a Massive and Heavy Curved COMBAT BLADE for up-close fighting. This Marine has Everything needed to Obliterate enemy strongholds or Armoured vehicles at median range - and he can still charge the lines to slaughter foes in brutal hand-to-hand knife combat! Body: 29, 30, 31; Missile Launcher: 38, 39, 40, 41; Backpack: 138; Pauldrons: 27, 61; Head: 119 4). SPECIAL WEAPONS Trooper with the most-effective all-around Ranged Weapon of all: PLASMA GUN Specialist! Here is one of your most important squad members, possessing special training and finess with a firearm that can penetrate ANY Power Armour system, Artificer plate - and often transgress the integrity of Thick Tank Armour! The Power Level of the Plasma-bolt is lethal to even the most stalwart warriors or alien monsters. You trooper also holsters a Bolt Pistol for any up-close and personal assaults - often useful to dispatch opponents in melee as well! 5). HEAVY WEAPONS Trooper with the Greatest Anti-personnel armament a soldier can carry" HEAVY BOLTER with Extra AMMO-Pack! This Warrior is the lynchpin of your squad (and a formidable Myrmidon-of-Death all-by-himself)! He wields the best all-around Infantry-killer in the Astartes arsenal - shooting HUGE 'Mass-Reactive' Bolter rounds a full 36" - and TRIPLE-SHOTS to insure that NO ONE survives his Hail of DEATH. He's a Chaos Space Marine - so he just has to DOUBLE those shots with "Fury of the Legion" (Bolter Discipline) - for SIX Kills--per-Trigger-pull on Full-Auto fire mode. An implacable soldier - relentless and determined - laying down obliteration at great distances before his opponents can even get him in their own sights! Even light or medium vehicles and tanks must be wary when this Astartes is seen on the horizon... 6). SPECIAL WEAPONS Trooper with the most vicious small arms a Trooper can wield: the "Assault FLAMER"!! This horrendous weapon literally COOKS opposing infantry alive! It projects horrendous gouts of Promethium Plasma across a vast area - often killing half-a-dozen enemies in a single conflagration! Despite its Firepower, it is a very portable weapon - and allows your Marine to assault even while firing! Of course, your ruthless Chaos Legionnaire doesn't just shoot torrents of irrepressible flame - he keeps a Massive and well-honed COMBAT BLADE On his hip for up close Melee combat as well. Truly: Every squad needs this lightweight/heavy body count firearm carried by their most sadistic trooper! 7). Charging ASSAULT Trooper wields the best duo of hand weapons for Assault combat: "BOLT PISTOL & CHAINSWORD"! His Charging pose means business - as does his favored complement of weaponry. His Pair of single-hand weapons DOUBLES this Warrior's Melee Attacks - and gives him still noteworthy Ranged Attack capabilities as well. The Bolt Pistol functions as an 'Assault Weapon' - so your fighting-Marine can shoot-and-charge right into his foes! His handgun still also 'Doubles' shooting attacks via Bolter Discipline/Fury-of-the-Legion - and also gives Overwatch against attacking adversaries. It also functions as a formidable hand-to-hand combat arm as a Pistol for point-blank discharges amid mangling slashes with the CHAINBLADE! That signature Space Marine sword is powered with fast-spinning razors of Adamantium Alloy - which wears-away armour as well as mounds of Alien flesh with equal facility! Heretic Astartes armed like this have Everything needed to vanquish the Loyalist scum! 8). "SKULLTAKER" is a Grim-Reaper of Death against the weak Loyalist pawns the Imperium - and the Skull-adornment of his armour shows this. He bears a reliable duet of weaponry for up-close combat: "BOLT PISTOL & CHAINSWORD"! His duo of single-hand weapons DOUBLES this Warrior's Melee Attacks - and gives him still noteworthy Ranged Attack capabilities as well. The Bolt Pistol functions as an 'Assault Weapon' - so your fighting-Marine can shoot then charge right into all adversaries! The handgun still also 'Doubles' shooting attacks via Bolter Discipline/Fury-of-the-Legion - and also gives Overwatch against attacking adversaries. It also functions as a formidable hand-to-hand combat arm as a Pistol for point-blank discharges amid mangling slashes with the CHAINBLADE! That signature Space Marine sword is powered with fast-spinning razors of Adamantium Alloy - which cuts through slab armour as well as mounds of Alien flesh with equal facility! Most Important: this stoic Warrior of the Warp takes Trophies to adorn his Armour: the Heads of his vanquished (and Decapitated) foes! He has encased his Power Vents with the Skulls of two opposing Sergeants who fell to his Blade-and-Bolter - and seeks more. Even his Pauldron has a Multi-skull motif. He seeks to prove his hubris by a impaling the head of an enemy Warlord to mount on his backpack. [Note: This "Impaled Space Marine Skull is an 'Extra' add-on item in the Bitz selection hereafter. Select from the list after it if you want a truly Gruesome Trophy to prove your Trooper's mettle!] 9). "FULL-AUTO TROOPER" is an adept of Bolter Discipline! His Weapon of Choice: a "FULL-AUTO BOLTGUN" with Extra Ammo-Belts for Heavy and Continuous Fire! This Veteran revels in his trademark Fury of the Legion attacks - releasing a relentless storm of Bolter-fire with his nigh-inexhaustible supply of ammo. His Hail-of-Carnage can take out multiple-infantry at considerable range - and continuous fire can even disable light vehicles! For 'melee combat' this cunning marksman favors a BOLT PISTOL for those rarer occasions he has to engage adversaries at close range. His stance is normally a steady one, grounded - surveying the field of battle - while unleashing a rain-of-death in the form of exploding Mass-Reactive gyrojet shells! 10). Running Close-Combat Warrior equips with a default duet of weaponry: the reliable "BOLT PISTOL and CHAINBLADE" Like his brethren, this Trooper lusts for bloodshed at close range, swinging grinding teeth of super-alloy steel - while firing high-penetration exploding rounds Point-Blank into his foes! First to the Fight - your committed combatant is not wasting time flat-footed - but is in a Running stance to close with the hapless Loyalist dogs! 11). Classic Chaos BOLTGUN with Chaos Markings and plenty of 'warp-tainted' Bolter rounds to take-out the despicable 'Sons of the Emperor' from a distance! 12) Awesome Chaos POWER FIST to lay-waste to the largest Battle-Titans or TANKS on the field of War! This devastating weapon generates incredible levels of momentum - backed by a potent Energy field that can shatter the thickest Tank Armour with ease! Your Power-Fist equipped Warrior will run at full speed to Charge a Baneblade Tank - SMASH through the weaker side armour - and likely destroy weapon systems or cripple the dreadnought in 2 or 3 nightly blows! The Trooper will 'Grab' hapless Soldiers from the bowels of the Tank and pull them through the jagged metal opening - eliminating the Crew and rendering the Vehicle inert at the same time. The perfect weapon against the Heaviest Armour or the most menacing Alien Monstrosity! 13). For your Aspiring Champion, Champion - or any other Trooper, a "Master-Crafted BOLT-PISTOL" is a highly-efficient hold-out weapon. It is easily carried in addition to Heavy-hitting Combat Weapons. This exceptional handgun shoots unerringly - precision-engineered by the finest Adepts of the Heriticus Mechanicus. Perfect to taking pot-shots on a charge - to cripple the despicable Loyalist leader before closing for the hand-to-hand Kill! This handy upgrade can swap-out for more demanding Plasma Pistols - or used for your own custom creation. 14). The "MELTAGUN" takes on all comers. Surely the most Potent small arms available to the steadfast Chaos Legions! It can slag any Loyalist Terminator in seconds, as well as vaporize huge holes in enemy Tanks (and destroy most of the machinery and troops inside as well). Despite its modest range, it's hard to understand why any Trooper would want to carry anything else. The Meltagun is essential for any well-equipped squad - and swaps-out readily on any trooper! 15). The "Auto-BOLTER with Ammo-Belt & Ammo-BOX" is a must-have for any well-accoutered cadre of True Chaos Warriors. For you most relentless shooting units - you'll want a marksman among them with Plenty of Ammunition. Extra Boxes are always useful against the weak servants of the false 'emperor'. This fine armament is is exactly what you need. Perfect for unleashing endless hails of Bolter Discipline against hapless infantry, varied monsters, or even light vehicles. 16). The Classic "CHAOS Eye-and-Skulls ICON" marks the Dominion of the Chaos Gods! A Potent Symbol of the Power of the Chaos Legions, this Malevolent Sigil heralds death-and-destruction incarnate - and ultimate subjugation of the Galaxy. Your Icon attaches to any Space Marine's Backpack (or vehicle, Dreadnought - or Any unit you choose). It can function as a Banner; or a Psychic Shield - and may even house 'Iron Halo' technology to protect the Warrior so adorned! Any Trooper or Hero bearing this Marker of Power is a veteran servant of the Dark Deities of the Warp. Part #135. 17). The "CHAOS 'Iron Halo'/Skull Trophy ICON" is what your Champion or Captain need to Rally their troops - and strike Fear into the weak hearts of their hapless enemies! This Sigil of Conflict can function as a Rallying Banner - but may also contain sophisticated Force Field or Psi-Focusing mechanisms to protect the wearer - or enhance their Mental Powers with Warp-enhanced energies. Use this device for any and all such purposes - on any able Warrior of the Dark Gods you choose. Part #134. 18). The "Severed Space Marine HEAD Trophy" identifies the most vicious and capable of the Heretic Astartes Warriors. The Decapitated Head of an important Space Marines leader is always a prized adornment to wear proudly on the Armour! This Skull-Prize is Impaled on a decorative Spike - attached firmly to the Top of the Power Armour Backpack - its hollow sockets 'Gazing' down at the Fighter's next victim! Here is an essential Armour Accoutrement for any noteworthy Trooper! Part #89. 19). "Artificer Front TORSO ARMOUR Plate - and Tabard/Fauld" protects its bearer from the most dangerous weaponry and attacks. This Fine Armour is engineered by the Heretic Astartes for Ultimate Invulnerability - and bears clear signs of enhanced Dark Age Technology. The Adamantium-Laced plate is proof against high-velocity firearms and powered weapons alike - and all of the seals and connections are reinforced. The unassuming additional Fauld is made of STC Ballistic Cloth - and protects the areas between the legs, hips and torso with an additional level of shielding. Even the abdominal area is protected by clear layers of Banded Alloy Sheets for maximal mobility and imperviousness. Your Aspiring Champion is proud to wear this Enhanced Power Armour Upgrade - but any of your other able Warriors can also use the Armoured piece. [Get This part to Upgrade any of you Chaos Marines with and alternate/enhanced Front Torso; or: you may use the part along with a pair of arms and a 'head' to create 75% of a Chaos Marine (only the Legs/'back' are missing). Part #106. [So: this makes an excellent 'Casualty' Figure - laying back in the muck or rubble - a Fallen Warrior of the Dark Gods!] 20). The "Alternate Front TORSO PLATE w/Tabard-Fauld" is another excellent Chaos Trooper Upgrade - interchangeable with Any other Front Plate and form-fitting with any-and-all Chaos Space Marine parts. You may use this Whole Front Armour piece to Swap-Out with any other - Or: it makes a nice basis for a "Casualty". Just 'add' a pair of Arms and Head (available here) - and you have 3/4th of a complete Space Marine already (just missing Legs/'back'). So, you can lay your figure down in the rubble as a 'Fallen Heretic Astartes' - GREAT for Battlefield Effects or even on another Model's Base! [My Artistic friends and I have even used such 'partial models' as a Complete Figure - cleverly set amid Basing Items, shrouded under a home-made Cloak, or shooting from partial cover! Anything you imagine can work!] Part #81. 21). The Classic "BOLTGUN w/short Ammo-Belt & ARMS" is the reliable default weapon of All the Heretic Astartes! The Two Arms and chest-held Boltgun stays close to the Marine while running-and-firing, for careful and precision placement of its Armour-piercing gyro-jet rounds. The disintegrating belt-clip keeps the Warrior apprised of the exact shots remaining before re-load. This sturdy weapon displays a Skull Icon one its side. Swap out this steadfast Boltgun-and-Arms for any other weapons your Chaos Marine may have. [Parts: 32, 33 and 35.] 22). A Standard Chaos "BOLTGUN (Belt-fed)-and-Arms" for your stoic Warrior of the Dark Gods. This reliable Bolter has Chaos-Markings: Skull and Arrows of Conflict - and includes an ammo-belt feed running into the weapon's carrier. The sturdy Bolter fires Mass-Reactive shells -- and is held in a upward firing position. Here is the perfect all around ranged firearm for your Chaos Troops! Parts 23/24. 23). The "Drum-fed BOLTGUN-and-Arms" is the sought-after Steet-Sweeper design - with ample Ammunition to Clear open areas of any opposing infantry! This configuration supports heavy-fire and longer battlefield engagements, as the Bolter holds a Large Drum of Mass-Reactive Armour-Piercing Bolts! The Warrior wielding this is an adherent of Bolter Discipline, and is always ready to engage in his trademark "Fury-of-the-Legion" attack - setting-loose a roaring cavalcade of continuous semi-auto fire - in a relentless barrage of 'unholy' destruction! Parts 4/5. 24). A "BOLTGUN with Banana-clip" achieves a balance between ergonomic engineering with additional munitions for heated combat engagements. The 'Commando-style' is well suited to long deployments in adverse environs. The Curved 'Banana-clip' holds Double the Bolt-supply of Straight-clips; yet, keeps the overall weapon light and maneuverable. Disintegrating clips and 'Drums' simply slow-down the weapon - and can jam when most needed. But the Curved clip is nearly as reliable as the smaller 'straight-clip' - and carries twice the rounds. Here is the perfect complement for the warrior who needs the best-of-both worlds. Parts 58/59. 25). A "BOLT PISTOL (Straight-Arm) w/Belt-clip" is lightweight, easy to move with - and can re-load an extended 'Belt-feed' of Ammunition when needed! Truly a versatile hand-weapon, usable at appreciable range with accuracy - and a potent extra weapon in close combat as well! Really: everything a Chaos Warrior needs in a compact hold-out Pistol, carried discreetly holstered, mag-clamped to the thigh armour - or simply held in hand. This variant is held 'Straight-Armed' - as if Firing at full-intensity while charging the enemy line! Part #17. 26). The "BOLT PISTOL (Straight-Arm) w/CLIP" is the Lightest and most-compact handgun of the Heretic Astartes. The speed comes at a cost of number of shots, of course, as the compact clip holds no more than 6 of the .75 Caliber Bolter rounds. So, this Trooper makes every shot count - or simply intends to close with his adversary quickly to dispatch him in brutal hand-to-hand combat. Many Warriors favoring the ergonomic pistol will simply carry extra clips - to quickly change and unload another several rounds into their opponent's ranks. Part 42. 27). The "BOLT PISTOL (Bent-Arm) w/CLIP" again utilizes the lightest-weight, most-portable small-arms of the Chaos Legions. The small ammo-supply is offset by a weapon that can be maneuvered quickly, aimed-and-fired without impediment - and excels in close-combat encounters. Of course, this Warrior will carry extra clips in various places on his Armour: under Pauldrons or hidden in his Tabard or Fauld. Part #7. 28). A "BOLT PISTOL (Bent-Arm) w/Ammo-belt" is held closer to the body when running, charging - or in close-combat. This small armament is light in weight; yet, it still offers the Trooper appreciable ammunition capacity with its variable-length disintegrating belt feed. The most-aggressive shootists will often start a battle with a Full-Strap of 75-caliber bolter ammo started into the small weapon's feed - wrapping the line loosely about their forearm or over their back. By the time the heated battle comes down to a close-quarters firefight or melee - the belt is down to the last few shots! Part #57. 29). Another variant, the "CHAINSWORD (Bladed-guard)" is favored by the more skilled and upper-echelon Troopers. Veterans often equip this version, as the Hand-guard is surrounded by extremely sharp super-alloy edge - as dangerous to an un-skilled wielder as it is enemy infantry in close-combat. Such prized-weapons will often have Knicks in the solid-edged parts - indicia of long service across many hostile battlescapes. Despite the heavy blade's chipped pieces, it is kept finely-honed, and the motorized unit are always perfectly-tuned for maximal RPMs. The weapon is well-appointed for service in the hands of its expert swordsman. 30). A standard "CHAINSWORD" has no elaborate 'guards', spikes or pommels. It is more versatile and maneuverable in the broadest range of situations. This spinning chain of serrated mini-blades costs efficiently and effectively against all manners of alien tissue, insectiod carapaces, flesh-and-bone - and even alloy composite armoring when needed. Like many chaos-chain weapons, this sword has a heavy Axe-style head-and-tip for swinging-and-cleaving - before the teeth tear into the hapless target. Part #6. 31). The ubiquitous "CHAINSWORD (w/Spiked Pommel-guard)" is the go-to melee weapon of the Chaos Legionnaires. This signature hand-weapon is a vicious combinations of razor-edged components - to macerate any enemies of the Dark Gods. This combat blade incorporates adamatinum-laced hyper-alloy Teeth on a powered spinning belt - to grind rapidly through armor and flesh alike! The variant here sports a heavy 'Axe-head' for penetrating with force - as well as a hand-guard set with discreet spikes to protect the hand. This particularly well-crafted blade has a heavy Spiked Pommel set beneath the guard, fully capable of driving-into a skull in close combat. Part 16. 32). The Standard Chaos "BOLTGUN" is the standard medium-ranged firearm of the vast Chaos Legions. The default design incorporates the favored 'Disintegrating Ammo-Belt' - since it can feed variable-lengths of Bolter-Rounds depending on the mission parameters. A Solid and Reliable weapon, the Chaos Marine Bolter is comparable to that issued to the Loyalist Astartes - although these weapons may have Warp-taint, unusual spikes or blades, and even semi-organic 'mutation-like' growths due to their contact with Daemonic energies. 33). "HELMET: High-Horns w/Chaos Arrow" reveals the Horrifying Mutations of the Black Legion - and all other Heretic Chapters. This Warrior's skull has transmogrified - to include "High Daemonic HORNS". Evidently, the 'being's' mouth has also transformed - into a vertical slit! As with the rest of his Legion, this Warrior's custom Helmet is perfectly adapted to 'Contain' the 'beneficial' additional body parts - as the hideous aberration is perfectly form-fitted by the Helm. Part 120. 34). Yet another "HELMET: High-Horns w/Mask" is adapted to the mutant-Legionnaire inside. The somewhat 'common' Horns are covered by the customized Chaos Helmet - and this Fighter's 'Fanged Maw' is encased in a somewhat larger 'Breathing Mask' - to contain the warriors masticating mandibles! Of course...it is rumored that 'some' chapters have no overt mutations at all - but simply add elaborate and bizarre 'parts' to their Power Armour pieces - to strike Fear in the hearts of the weak 'Loyalists'... [Part 124] 35). This is a "HELMET with Barbed Horns"! Shorter horns than some 0 but flying a disturbing genetic aberration: 'Insectiod' processes jutting from the skull! Such tainted marines may have other, similar physical changes - such as the formation of an exoskeleton in place of skin - or even a proboscis from the mouth. in extreme cases - the Heretic grows a 'Stinger'... [Still, some Units will simply adorn their armour and helms with unusual features - like Horns, etc. - to confuse and beguile their enemies to their true nature. Part 127. 35: This Warrior sports a "Bare-and-Bald HEAD w/Arrow Mask". Inured to the elements, this resilient Marine braves his hostile environs - eschewing head-protection of any kind. He wears a Gas-Mask/Breathing unit over his mouth only. Even his Eyes are uncovered (although they have an unholy cast to them (no pupils actually visible). Perhaps this is a supernaturally-giften leader - needing no such protection. It is also possible the being possesses strange mutations that allow him to survive in vacuum, or extreme temperatures when other troops need armour. There...does seen to be a 'scar' - or perhaps a new 'seam' of some kind, on the left side of his forehead. Perhaps his nanscent psychic ability are starting to manifest - or it could be a mortal wound to the head - mystically healed by Chaos forces... Part 130. 36). "PAULDRON: Left, Smooth/Symmetrical" can be used for Any Left Shoulder Pad (or Right Shoulder Pad if you choose).This Heavy-duty Amour Enhancement protects the wearer's torso, neck, shoulder and upper-arms from high-penetration attacks. It is composed of Heavy-super-alloys combined with layers of Plastic-steel and Ceramite - for nigh-impenetrable defensive value. The smooth face of the armour often displayed squad and army markings. Part 113. 37)."PAULDRON: Right, Square Spikes" is a Hard-Armour Upgrade for Any Right Shoulder Pad (or Left Shoulder Pad if you choose).The piece represents a Heavy-Amour Enhancement to shield the wearer's torso, neck, shoulder and upper-arms from penetration or even intense blunt force trauma. It is an extra-thick composite of Heavy-super-alloys with layers of Plastic-steel and Ceramite - and possesses nigh-impenetrable performance characteristics. This particular design incorporates aggressive 'Shoulder Spikes' - often sharpened ' allowing the Warrior to inmporve superficial attacks during a charge or in hand-to-hand combat. Part 115. 38). "PAULDRON: Left, Smooth" is usable for Any Left Shoulder Pad (or Right Shoulder Pad if you choose).The piece represents Heavy-Amour Enhancement to shield the wearer's torso, neck, shoulder and upper-arms from penetration or raw blunt force. It is a composite of Heavy-super-alloys with layers of Plastic-steel and Ceramite - and possesses nearly-impenetrable properties. The smooth face of the Shoulder Pad often displays squad and/or army markings. Part 19. 39)."PAULDRON: Right, Chaos Skull-&-Arrow" is different Shoulder-Armour Upgrade exchangeable for Any Right Shoulder Pad (or Left Shoulder Pad if you choose).This a Hard-Amour Enhancement shielding the wearer's torso, neck, shoulder and upper-arms from all manner of attacks. The thick composite of super-alloys covers layers of Plastic-steel and Ceramite - and renders nearly-Invulnerable battlefield performance. This artistic design features a raised 'Chaos Skull' - with a Chaos Arrow rising from it. Part 36. 40). TWO "(2) Backpack Covers" are decorive armoured plates to protect sensitive equipment inside the Space Marine's Backpack. These hyper-alloy covers are Bolted onto the backpack to allow access to the machinery inside, and may even open to allow discreet Storage Access. These are the TWO plates shown in one listing, and the two pieces can be used to mod and customize other parts of any model as you may choose. Parts 77 and 121. *REMEMBER: ALL above Model-kits can also equip 'different' weapons - 100% Completely Interchangeable parts. Purchase Add-On Bitz and Extra Weapons or Gear from THIS LISTING - and Mix-and-Match components between any of these models you choose! Each Warrior with '"Bolt Pistol and Chainblade" can also equip a BOLTGUN! Simple Select any style you choose from the list - and build any other options you choose! Enjoy!! Finally: Select any EXTRAS, GEAR or SPECIAL ITEMS to adorn, enhance, decorate or fully define your Chaos Warrior! There are several to choose from in our BITZ section at the End - All very economical and low cost shipping for add-on Models or Parts! Enjoy!! Your NEW GW no box Model frame parts will create any fierce fiend of Chaos you can imagine for your own mini-masterpiece! Here is exactly what you need to slaughter the weak and foolish Loyalists! Enjoy your great Chaos Space Marine Single model(s) and parts for your own unique warriors! 😉 NO ONE has a better price anywhere! Plus: we are Not a 'business' - just a group of Game Club members like you doing this to help each other out with needed savings. AND: any proceeds go DIRECT to EBay Charities!! :) -You can SEE from our Feedback - we do GREAT Service and the BEST deal anywhere - but we only get a few allotted for You our members so GRAB yours Fast! SHIPPING-&-HANDLING FEES: This is for SMART buyers, so: WE SHIP SMART, FAST and a Cheap as possible - unless you request/Buy UPGRADED Shipping, Service and Packaging options!! S-&-H” cost is ACCURATE - AND OUR TOTAL PRICE IS STILL MUCH LESS THAN MOST ANY OTHER SELLER! Cost of packaging material (Tape: $2.95; Mailers: $2.49+Travel to Ship; Gas, Car/Van use, computer use and Internet provider, DATA, Labels and PRINTER INK + VERY HIGH EBAY Listing FEES and 'Final Selling Fees' (up to 20% on some Auctions!!); Plus: 3%+ PayPal FEES, POSTAGE, FED EX, USPS & SHIPPING boxes, trash-pick-up - SOOO much stuff!! We hope you all get it! If you order multiples as we Upgrade you to better service to the Front of the shipping Queue (and any extra goes DIRECT to eBay charities). - PLEASE: donate an extra 97-cents+ for FASTER SHIPPING SERVICE (below). You are SAVING SOO MUCH - why not let eBay Charities have 97-cents to get it FASTER! ;) NO RE-SELLERS: as a non-profit club of volunteers, a LOT of for-profit-only 'businesses' work against us here - even though eBay is supposed to be People like us - and we work for eBay Charities!?! :0 DON'T try to get our limited products to re-sell to others. Don't buy id you 'sell' these items yourself. The ONLY rude-feedback we ever have gotten is from Re-Sellers trying to sabotage us. PLEASE DON'T ASK for even cheaper shipping than we already do -when we are the LOWEST Total price already! PLEASE: ONLY get our Auctions if you Want to be in the Club and do something for Charity. Really -we never get enough product for the good members who need it -so Buy elsewhere if you don't support our eBay Gaming-Charity Works. :) SMART PACKAGING: Cheapest price means low cost - not 'fancy'. Rarely someone says: "the Post Office messed-up the external 'packaging' a little"... Uhhhm... yeah - that's why it's called 'Packaging'. You 'open' it -and you Throw It Out! Also: many or our New Model kits come from Brand-New BIG-BOXED Sets -and components are Opened and packaged up in bubble-packs to send out separately. They (obviously) are Brand-New but have no other 'packaging' but the packages we put them in to ship. Also, even when we do have items in original boxes -they are Made-In-China by GW. They travel 20,000 miles on ships and trucks. So they may have superficial exterior crinkles on a box perhaps. If anyone Needs a minty-fresh 'perfect' Box -Please, please buy it Direct from Games Workshop -Pay $40 for their Top-grade Tracked Shipping. Or, TELL us in advance and Buy Expedited Upgraded Shipping here and we will make it as super-fresh and pretty as Possible! ;D Feedback and Positive experience: We have a GUARANTEED Return Policy if though you bought something else or you change your mind. So: No One can legitimately have any real 'problem'. NO RISK-return-like-it-never-happened. So anyone leaving false bad feedback obviously want to 'create' a non-existent problem. -So: if there is ever Anything you need us to Help with - We are HAPPY to hear from you and do whatever we can. Just WRITE US! ;D

Price: 0.99 USD

Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

End Time: 2024-08-24T12:22:59.000Z

Shipping Cost: 3.97 USD

Product Images

Single CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40KSingle CHAOS SPACE MARINES GW Models/Bits=1-or-More~Games Workshop WARHAMMER 40K

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)

Brand: Games Workshop

Army: Chaos Space Marines

Type: Complete Single Models -Plus Extra Parts to Add-On

Modification Description: NEW GW plastic Model parts removed fresh from frame

Miniature Condition: Brand-NEW removed from Sprues

Game: Warhammer 40K

Features: Individual Chaos Space Marine model parts, Buy COMPLETE Model(s) and ADD-On any Bits/Parts!

Chapter/Regiment: ALL Chaos and Heretic Chapters

Modified Item: Yes

Available Variations


Price: 17.95 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Close Combat CHAMPION w/PLASMA Pistol+MAUL+SWORD

Price: 11.87 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 3


Price: 8.95 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 4


Price: 9.87 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: HEAVY BOLTER Trooper+AMMO-Pack+Bolt Pistol

Price: 9.95 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 4


Price: 9.95 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: CHARGING Marine w/Bolt Pistol & Chainblade

Price: 7.89 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: "HEADTAKER": Pistol+Chainblade w/SKULL Backpack

Price: 9.79 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: FULL-AUTO BOLTGUN & Bolt Pistol

Price: 8.95 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Running Trooper w/Bolt Pistol and Chainblade

Price: 7.95 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: BOLTGUN+Arms 49/50

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: CHAOS POWER-FIST parts 111+92

Price: 3.95 USD

Available Quantity: 8

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: Master-Crafted BOLT PISTOL 83~for Champion

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: MELTAGUN Upgrade~with Arms 32/33/34

Price: 2.95 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: Auto-BOLTER w/Ammo-Belt+Ammo Box: 97/98/99/100

Price: 3.97 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 1


Price: 3.95 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 1


Price: 4.89 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: Severed Space Marine HEAD Backpack TROPHY

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Artificer Front TORSO PLATE-&-Tabard (for Champion

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: Alternate Front TORSO PLATE+Tabard~Upgrade

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: BOLTGUN+Arms 32/33/35

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: BOLTGUN w/Arms 23/24

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: BOLTGUN-Drumfed w/ARMS 4/5

Price: 2.95 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: BOLTGUN w/Bananaclip+Arms 58/59

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: BOLT PISTOL Straight-Arm w/Belt-clip 17

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: BOLT PISTOL Straight-Arm w/CLIP 42

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: BOLT PISTOL: Bent-Arm w/Clip 7

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: BOLT PISTOL Bent-Arm w/Ammo-Belt 57

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: CHAINSWORD w/Bladed-Guard 43

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 4


Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: CHAINSWORD w/Spiked Pommel-Guard #16

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 5

Color: BOLTGUN #76

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: HELMET/Head: High-Horms+Chaos Arrow

Price: 1.29 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: HELMET/Head: High-HORNS+Mask

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: HELMET/Head: Barbed-Horns 127

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: HEAD, Bare/Bald, w/Arrow Mask 130

Price: 1.87 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: PAULDRON, Left: Smooth/Symmetrical 113

Price: 1.49 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: PAULDRON, Right: Square-SPIKES 115

Price: 1.79 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: PAULDRON, Left: smooth w/Tooth 19

Price: 1.39 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: PAULDRON, Right: Chaos Skull+Arrow 36

Price: 1.49 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: Two Backpack Covers 77+121

Price: 0.99 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0


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